2015년 5월 17일 일요일

Review of my Shelf project.

  • What did you think of your first Shelf project/experience?
  • What went well? What could go better next time?
Well first, I have a lot of inconvenience on this project. Our video ended up  to a little different direction then I wanted. I supposed  talking about food and discusing more about it  but we were a team so I can't do everything what I want to do.

However I really enjoyed the process. Had fun.
I think it would have been more nice if we put more effort on explaining the games.
Because it's a english learning project.
(I tried to put subtitles under the video while editing it ... but reall bad skills with editing..
still I think ..or maybe hope that I'm getting better with it.)

Next time I want to focuss more on the english part, want to challenge on my english skills.

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